By the virtue of the Letter of Instruction no.745 issued Sept 29, 1978 the Philippine Commission on the Promotion and Development of Sports SCUBA Diving was created by then, Former President Ferdinand E. Marcos.
The Commission is hereby mandated to:
- 1. Promulgate programs and projects geared to the development of the country as a premier diving area in Asia.
- 2. Formulate rules, regulations, safety standards and operating procedures to implement the development of Sports SCUBA Diving.
- 3. The Commission shall undertake studies, researches and surveys for possible incentives to the private sector who may wish to undertake projects and programs beneficial to the development of SCUBA Diving Tourism within the framework of related Presidential Decrees.
- 4. The Commission is expressly directed to formulate and implement programs on marine conservation, particularly those areas of high touristic value.
Strengthened by the Republic Act 9593 – Tourism Policy Act, Section 31:
- 1. Attaching the PCSSD to the Department of Tourism
- 2. Intensifying measures to provide the standard basic dive rules to all levels or kinds of divers
- 3. To regulate SCUBA sports and technical diving in the country
- 4. To coordinate closely with the Office of Tourism Standards and Regulations for accreditation processes
PCSSD Implementing Rules and Regulations (2003)
Republic Act No. 9593
Letter of Instruction no. 745
Memorandum Order No.275
Joint Memorandum and Circular on Dive Sites
Provincial Ordinance No. 2012-026 (Mandatory PCSSD Accreditation in Bohol)
PCSSD Memorandum Circular No. 2021-001 (Interim Guidelines for Applications for Accreditation)
PCSSD Standard Operating Procedure on Reported Dive Related Violation/s