Camiguin Island is a great place for Scuba Diving. Not only that there are plenty of dive sites very near to the tourist beaches, every dive site offers a complete different environment under water.
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AGUTAYA REEF | With the towering bulk of Hibok-Hibok Volcano watching over you from Camiguin Island, this idyllic sandy cay is a great place for snorkelers and divers alike. |
MEDINA UNDERWATER SPRINGS | you will find two dives here, both interesting and unusual, that feature cold freshwater springs (known locally as alibuag) bubbling out of the seafloor. These sites are both about 300m west of White Island’s beach and are at the edge of the coral reef. |
JIGDUP SHOAL & SLOPE/REEF | one of the best sites hereabouts, this shoal rises from the seafloor to form a sprawling reef more than 10 hectares across. |
PUNTA DIWATA | the reef here has stepped ledges of coral that descende to the depths. The walls and overhangs are covered in sea fans, sponges and a variety of multicolored gorgonians, sea whips and hard and soft corals. |
CABUAN POINT | A delightful dive that sures to attract the interest of wide-angle photographers, the site features stunning sea fans, branching corals and a huge variety of hard and soft corals and sponges. |
SIPAKA POINT | The site is best suited for more experienced divers. The currents bring nutrients, which in turn nourish the fantastic assortment of huge corals are common, together with a wide array of hard and soft corals, sponges and feather stars. |
CONSTANCIA REEF | This tiny shoal with healthy corals on the south side is worth visiting because of the pelagic life you’re likely to encounter. |
MANTIGUE ISLAND | Mantigue Island is an Maledives like island and surounded by a nice “drop off” reef. |
SUNKEN CEMETERY | Former burial site was completely covered by the lava during the Old Volcano eruption long time ago and it is now marked by a giant white cross on the surface underwater a healthy soft and hard corals populated by a different marine lifes, a flat slope reef towards rightside direction. |
WHITE ISLAND | Only 10 minutes by boat from Agoho or Yumbing beach. Stong current most of the time and beautyfull forest of “Black Coral”. |
OLD VOLCANO | Sharp pinnacles formed by the volcano lava. Great marine life including soft corals, Pygmy Seahorse, Ghost Pipefish, Batfish, Garden Eels, White tip Sharks, and Frogfish. Unexpected Manta & Eagle Rays! |
BULIAS SHOAL | This is a beautiful drift dive with lots of action and a forest of black coral in the background! Black and red groupers, long nosed emperors, turtles, schools of tuna, sweetlips and fusiliers, napoleons. Large coral heads are surrounded by purple and orange anthias. |
PARADISE GARDEN | As the name indicates, this spot is paradise! Famous for the large variety of soft and hard corals observed, this dive is an ancient crater starting at 3 meters and descending at the centre to 35 meters. Numerous canyons, overhangs and cavities provide refuge for moray eels, lion fish, sweetlips, scorpion fish and turtles. |
CANYONS | A small canyons, as we go deeper its expand hard and soft corals in growing, sea fans, sponges, small caves, right side direction. |
TANGUB BAY | The place for beginners: Nice reef with hard and soft coral and some nice rock formations in depths of 10 meters. |
SUNKEN YACHT | A small sail boat is lying at 16 m. in sandy/muck dive area infront of main diveshop at secret cove a few meters away, a house reef with its colorful marine lifes, hard and soft corals, left side direction, excelent “Muck Dive” location. |
TUPSAN POINT | A shallow divesite has a field of table corals with its residents of mandarin fish can be seen almost every dive, flat slope towards leftside direction. |
CANTAAN KABILA | A more technical site due to current. The sloping reef is in covered by Acropora and coral roses where smaller fish life and nudibranches find their refuge. Sting rays and white tip reef sharks are also seen on this site. |
CORAL GARDEN | In shallow sandy has garden of different color leather corals while further down variety of hard and soft corals. |
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